Monday, November 27, 2006
One big holiday down and one to go! But in all honesty, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just one big holiday aren't they? It's a 30+ day run of festivities, stress, cooking, cleaning, shopping, decorating, eating, over eating and basically going out of your mind. Right? I think we can all agree on that.

I mean, Christmas ads on TV and in the stores start before Thanksgiving. Then of course we have "Black Friday" the day after Thanksgiving. That is a day designed by the devil and should be completely abolished, but that's another thought for another time. So you barely get done with your turkey and green bean cassarole and you are rushing out the door to camp out in front of stores so that you can get the latest and greatest deal on Christmas gifts.

There are parties to attend, parties to host and parties to plan. So you are cooking, shopping for outfits along with the Christmas gifts and cleaning your house all the time to prepare. Not to mention cleaning your house as you hang your decorations right after Thanksgiving. "Here, put the big inflatable turkey back in the garage honey and bring out Frosty and Santa." "Wait, let me vaccuum the floor before we put the tree there. Well, I might as well vaccuum everything while I'm at it." "Ok, the tree is up, and the ornaments are on, now I guess I need to vaccuum again."

Unless you are Martha Freaking Stewart, who, incidentally, is also the devil, and you can cook and decorate like she does and have all your Christmas shopping done by September, then you will be stressed this time of year and don't tell me you aren't. Holiday stress starts somewhere around mid-November and ends after New Year's. Lets see, people stress about family get togethers. "Aunt Sara is a drunk and will probably start trying to carve the turkey with her bottle opener again." "If Grandma Alice forgets her underwear again and sits down and flashes me I'm outta there!!" "Cousin Bobby will be out of jail by next week so hide the valuables."

There is stress over money. Who doesn't lie awake at night thinking, if I skip the electric bill I can probably buy junior his train set. Who doesn't stress over maxed out credit cards and how they are going to pay the bills after the holidays are said and done?

Then of course there is the "OMG I CAN'T FIT INTO MY PARTY DRESS" stress. That is a result of the fact that you have gained 8 pounds from eating a big Thanksgiving dinner and are eating all the lovely sweets that everyone seems to be baking and sharing. It's a 30+ day festival of food and we all love it... and hate it.

Finally, we have the shopping. Dear God the shopping! Listen people... and listen good. I have two words for you that could not only save your life but just might save your sanity. Are you ready?


See, how easy that was? I realize you may not be able to buy EVERY gift online but you can get many if not most. You will save yourself the public breakdowns when you drive around for an hour just to find a place to park, the anger over the rude jerks in the stores trampling you to get to a certain toy and the angst over not being able to find things on your list after traveling to 1o stores. Instead, you could sit at home and shop with your finger and never leave the house. How pleasant would the holidays be if most of us did that?! The stores wouldn't be as crowded for those of us who have to still go out for the usual life's necessities and we wouldn't hate everyone on the planet this time of year.

So, it's not really Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Nope. Society has evolved and has just run them together as one big month of cheers ... or jeers in most cases. Let us all join hands and pray that we can survive this yea'rs holiday.

Happy Thanksmas everyone.


Blogger Angel of Design said...

Holy crap I missed this post. Where was I? Sorry Angel.

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