Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A neglected topic
In today's world there are so many things to worry about. Terrorism, war, kidnappings, tainted spinich and so much more. It is a wonder we can drag ourselves out of bed and even more so, to actually leave the house.

But there is one subject that gets no press, no airtime and no discussion. It's so important and yet no one really cares. So, I see it fit to finally bring it to light. It's time we recognize, acknowledge and learn.

Toilet paper rolls: Over or Under!

The country seems to be split on this topic. You have your right wing conservatives that feel it should be under, at all times no exceptions. Then you have the liberals who feel over is best but only if it meets the needs of the entire household.

I tend to lean towards the liberal side of the issue. Over works the best in this house and creates a much cleaner and easier tear than underneath does. My SIL and BIL however are the right wing "under" believers and feel it necessary to come into our home, use our facilities and correct the issue. It is only after they leave that we find our toilet paper roll reversed to roll under. However, we take pleasure in correcting the rolls in their home as well so that they roll over the top. It's an ongoing battle.

This issue needs front page press people! Don't you all realize the world would be a cleaner and better place if you would all place the rolls of toilet paper so that they roll OVER instead of under? It's easier to tear, you would use less tissue and in turn, maybe save some trees? Do you see how important this issue is now?

Please understand the importance of this topic and learn from it. Don't let the right wing conservatives bully you into believing that under is best. Study, educate yourselves and make an informed intelligent decision for yourselves. Over is best. End of story.


Blogger lioux said...

At home it's over.

At Company, Inc. It's under.


Blogger Angel said...

Well, at least at home you are smart enough to see things my way.

At Company, well they need to pull their heads out of their asses:)

Blogger lioux said...
Blogger Angel said...

Over is best! Really. The best. I actually get irritated at under. Lioux, I'm starting to drive to Company Inc. to remedy that problem. :D

Blogger lioux said...

You're not going to need C-W D's road atlas, are you?

Blogger Angel said...

LMAO....shoot. Maybe. I'll let you know. I'll just use your blog GPS stuff. kay?

Blogger lioux said...

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