Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Irksome commercials
I was pondering deep thoughts last night and today in the car as I was driving all alone. It’s amazing how the voice in my head sounds so much louder without screaming monkeys around. Did you know that monkeys scream? Well they do, and it’s quite disruptive. Anyway, during this monkey free stream of consciousness I began to think about commercials. Specifically BAD commercials. We’ve all seen them, locally made commercials for locally owned Ma and Pa Generic X business. Fuzzy images, bad costumes, not even remotely funny premise.

Then my happy unencumbered brain slid into BAD radio commercials. Those are worse. I don’t know if it’s because the creators figure you can’t see them so they can’t make asses out of themselves? I don’t know. I just heard two in the last 24 hours. They aren’t the worst ones I’ve heard but they got my picky brain a movin’. They played with words and I’m a stickler for wording.

One commercial for a local car dealership (a noted frequent offender for BAD commercials of any kind) boasted their Suzuki’s. The line that got me was “you may not be a celebrity but you can drive like one.” WTF? I mean really. What the hell did that mean? It was very vague. I suppose they were implying that you would feel soooooo important in your new Suzuki vehicle, right? But my mind went all over the place. For instance: Would that mean that I would drive like a freakin’ maniac and when the cops pulled me over I would tell them “it’s the damned paparazzi again! They won’t leave me alone!” and I’d sign an autograph for Mr. Star Struck officer and be let go?

Or maybe they mean that I would think that since I was a celebrity I could drive while holding my infant child, no car seat, nothing because I would have some rarely known celebrity force field that would that would keep my child safe?

I mean really!?

The other commercial that got me was a local carpet installer. Yet another offender. They boasted that if you have your carpet installed soon (can’t remember the dead line) that you would get a free genuine turkey. See the offending word? Genuine! Genuine? So my mind is awhirlin’. Is there a concern that someone would get a Goose in a turkey costume? A poser? No…. you get a genuine turkey. Or do you run the risk of getting a real turkey only it isn’t the bald, headless, legless variety that I’m familiar with from my local grocery store, ready for basting, it’s really a live, running around turkey. Would you be swearing as they drive away as the bird pecks holes in your hardwood floor?

These commercials irk me and peck at my intense need to have the wording just right. Call it semantics. Angel of design...peace out! :D


Blogger lioux said...

Company, Inc. did a radio commercial years ago.

And it was bad.

C-W D and I still listen to it from time to time.

We just listened to it a few weeks ago.

Blogger Angel of Design said...

Does it make you laugh? Did you guys have speaking roles on it?

Blogger lioux said...

Yes, it makes us laugh. And no we didn't speak in it. We hired cheesy *voice over* actors.

I want to listen to it today.

Blogger Angel said...

So, I should carpet my house just to get a free turkey?

"Hey honey, I don't think we can have a thanksgiving this year".

"Why not".

"Well, we don't have a turkey!"

"I have an idea! Lets get new carpet and they'll give us a free turkey!"

"WELL SHIT! That solves everything!"

Yeah.... lame. It's on here too. Empire Carpet. BLECK!!!

I hate lame commercials. They bug me to no end.

Blogger Angel said...

No....not just any turkey dramamama.....a GEN-U- INE turkey. You know, certified and special. It's a special turkey.

That makes me think of a turkey story. Yep. We live in a rural setting, animals cross the road in front of us all the time as we drive on the road behind our house. In one week I saw a gaggle of geese (no biggie right?), a grouping of ducks, and a 6 point buck. A beautiful specimen.

But one day we saw a group of turkeys. We excitedly said, "Hey! Kids! Look! Tur-----" and that's when we saw it. Mr. Tom getting Mrs. Tom wildly from behind....wings a flappin' all out in the front yard of someones house. We diverted the kids attention but later threw jokes back and forth about turkey stuffing, turkey drippings....ahhhh we are so bad. *chuckle*

Blogger lioux said...

Great DraMa.

Now I've got the Empire Carpet jingle in my head.

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