Thursday, November 16, 2006
Angel of Design: Insight to being short
I had something on the tip of my brain due to the discussion I was FORCED to have with my daughter on the way home from preschool today. She was obviously hurt because a friend told her that she was ‘little’. Okay, my daughter is in the 10th percentile for height. No surprise because her mom is only 60” tall…. That’s 5’-0” tall for those of you who might have difficulty converting from inches to feet. My mom is 4’-11-1/2” tall. So there you have it. We’re short. Most definitely genetic. But I'll have you know my dad is 6' tall and I have cousins who are 6'-6" and 6'-5" tall. I just got the short end of the stick, pun intended.

What I don’t understand is why it’s such a big f’ing deal to EVERYONE else in this f’ing world? Now obviously I don’t know if really tall people get picked on the same since I’m on the other end of the scale. Although I’m sure they get, “Boy you’re tall. I bet you’re good at basketball.” But I might be wrong.

Anyway, here is food for thought for when you meet someone short, petite or tiny. #1 We have feelings too. #2 Despite the F’ing study two E-NORMOUS women did that was listed on Yahoo a few months back, short people aren’t LESS INTELLEGENT! #3 We rarely notice that we are short in comparison until SOMEONE else brings it to our attention. #4 Our height doesn't make us worth any less or less important.

I had to tell my 5 year old daughter that her height is what it is and that she’s perfect, just the way she is. I told her that she is still smart, beautiful and a joy to be around. Her height is just perfect, just as she was meant to be.

When I was in 6th grade I was, believe it or not, one of the tallest kids in my class. Then 7th grade hit. I had guys leaning on me saying ‘Ang, what happened over the summer? Did you shrink?’ I had people start calling me names like ‘shorty’ or ‘short-shit’ but everyone gets called names so I ignored it. I was lucky, I had a very strong-willed mother who told me I was perfect as I was and told me if anyone else didn’t like it to kiss my rosy *insert my last name here* ass. God I love that woman. So now I tell my daughter the same thing, well not exactly in those EXACT words. Maybe when she’s older. You see, she will be my height when she is done growing so I have an idea what she will face as she grows up.

I know that she will have to use a step stool for things. I know that the things on the top shelf in grocery stores will be too high so she’ll need to step up on a shelf to get it or accept the offer of a kind stranger to reach it for you. I know that she’ll have to buy petite pants and might still have to hem them. I know that when she’s in a crowd of people she is more likely to get stepped on and not noticed. She is more like to hear, “I didn’t see you down there.” What I have the most difficulty explaining is why people find the need to make her feel her height is a BAD thing. I know I’m probably prejudiced but I think she’s gorgeous. Regardless of height, isn’t that a good thing?

I’ve ranted on this before and you might be thinking, “Why does she constantly b*tch about it if she doesn’t see it as a hindrance.” Why? Because people around me keep shoving it in my face and acting like it is a bad thing and because 5 year olds are already judging each other based on height and other inconsequential factors.

So world! Hear this! All you tall people out there. If you consider yourself a nice, worldly, caring person keep this in mind. I’m a person and I too have feelings. I was born short. There are others like me. Yep, it happens. We didn’t choose to be this height. We are who we are because our genetics have predetermined us to be short. Does that make a difference? Only if the chips are on the top shelf. Then, I need a step stool. But such is life. Otherwise, no, it doesn't matter. So stop pointing it out. Stop mentioning it. Stop noticing it! Who died and gave you the right to judge me? The tall judgemental fairy?

And remember one last thought. My mom has always told me this and I LOVE IT…..

GOOD THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES. That’s me. A small package. That’s my daughter. A small package, and she’s spectacular! She is the sweetest and most pleasant child. She always has a kind word and a smile for everyone. She’s the one who says to other little girls, “Oh my. You look so beautiful today.” She is the child who smiles and says, “Have a nice day.” She says “pleased to meet you” and takes every opportunity to spread happiness. So when someone upsets her or brings a tear to her almond shaped eyes I get angry, very very angry.

In the end I certainly hope I passed the pleasant and happy demeanor on to her, since she is short because of me. Perhaps it will even out in the end. I also hope I passed on to her the inner strength my mom (who happens to be short too) passed on to me too. If I did, she’ll be fine. I already think she's perfect.


Blogger Angel said...

Unfortunately it's human nature to point out anything different or not of the norm. Sad, but true.

People are also very self centered in their thinking. They don't realize that you have probably heard that you are "short" from 100 people before them. Therefore they feel the need to point it out.

It's ridiculous. Bottom line is that people just don't think. Period.

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